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The NCE publishes its Directives on the child's welfare in medically assisted procreation


The National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NCE) has published its guidelines on the protection of the child's welfare in reproductive medicine. The aim of these guidelines is to clarify the legal provisions of article 3 of the law on medically assisted procreation (LPMA), and to help healthcare professionals to apply the conditions for access to medically assisted procreation that are related to the protection of the child's welfare on a case-by-case basis.

Link to the directives (only available in German, French and Italian)



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Last edition: 20.06.2024

Secretariat NCE
Tel.: +41 58 469 77 64 (Tu-Fr)

Postal address

National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics
c/o Federal Office of Public Health
CH-3003 Bern

Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
CH-3003 Bern

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