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Autonomy and relationships. Symposium as part of the joint conference series with the Central Ethics Commission (CEC) of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) on 7 July 2016


Since 2015 the NEC and the CEC have been addressing ethical issues surrounding autonomy as part of a multi-year symposium series. This year's conference has focused on the fact that health problems often involve far-reaching decisions that patients should take as autonomously as possible. Such well-considered decisions need to be discussed. The conference has considered how the ability to take decisions autonomously develops and how patients in various phases of life reach decisions about recommended treatments. PresentationsProgram (only in german and french) 

Look ahead to next symposiums30 of June 2017: Autonomy vs. paternalism / welfare / no harm / care (working title); July 2018: Autonomy as entitlement vs. autonomy as right to resist (working title); July 2019: Autonomy and happyness (working title)




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Last edition: 20.06.2024

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National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics
c/o Federal Office of Public Health
CH-3003 Bern

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CH-3003 Bern

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